Pardon me for saying, but the Political Correctness of the day is completely ridiculous! Stupid! Absurd! So on and so on!! How it has now become offensive to have an opinion, a belief, or God forbid - Faith is beyond me! What’s really sad is how many believers just follow right along, falling into the PC trap. In their efforts to be polite, inclusive, or well meaning, many Christians have lost their very God given purpose; to share the good news about the one who saved them. I don’t believe they are Ashamed of the Gospel, but I might believe they have become more indoctrinated by their world than they are inspired by their Savior.

Let me say it this way . . . You don’t need permission if you have a commission!

Now let me be clear, I am not saying you should be a nasty, know it all person, who has the answer and a scripture reference for every failing of your neighbor. However, I am absolutely saying that you have every right, and a responsibility from God, to share what He has done for you! Get that - not what your neighbor is doing wrong - but what God has done for you!! If you have personally been saved and set free, then you have personally been commissioned and commanded to share this good news with your world. Fear of what people will think or what the world will say never stops the testimony of a connected believer. Those who experience the love of God do not live in fear, because His perfect love drives out such fear.

So when you’re out there, be careful you don’t fall into the PC trap set by the devil. Instead realize you serve a living God who is going before you, preparing the way for you to share.

And don’t forget . . .

You Don’t Need Permission - If You Have A Commission!

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Sunday - May, 19th 2024

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