Take a look at John chapter 9, in this chapter of scripture we see a story of a man who was blind from birth and who had a powerful encounter with Jesus. What makes this story so great – beyond the fact that the blind man is healed – is that we see not just the power of his experience, but the power of his story. In the modern church world we call this story our “Testimony”. But, for our purpose we'll loose the christianese, and just call it our story.

Each and every one of us who know God have a story. Each one of us have come to Him in a different way. It's this "way" or "path" in which we came to be born again that is so very important. Not only to us individually, but to those who are around us as well. You see, God has saved us and set us free so that we might share his goodness. He put us right here, right now, at this point in time, so we could share our story and reach those around us with the good news of God's love.

While every story is different, every God story has the same basic declaration at its conclusion as the one in the story of the blind man; “I used to be blind, but now I see.” This is the power of our personal story - a changed life. However, the uniqueness of our story carries with it three other powerful things that make it possible for everyone to tell their story:

1. Your Story Is Irrefutable:

If you took a trip to Grand Cayman Island and came back with bronzed skin, pictures galore, and a story about each and every day of your experience, no one would ever say, “You couldn’t possibly have gone to the Cayman Islands.” They would never even question your story, or the fact that you went. It is exactly the same with the story of your salvation. People simply cannot refute something that you have personally experienced. They may question the “how”, or the “why” of your story but they can never say it didn’t happen. Your story is Irrefutable.

2. You Don’t Need A Theological Degree To Share Your Story:

Since your story happened to you and it is personal, you don’t need a higher education to communicate it. You will never have to spend your time and money going to school to study theology, and the Greek and Hebrew languages, just so you can share your story. God touched you, you experienced Him, and you are the only one who knows the true reality of this in your life. You Don’t Need A Degree To Share Your Story.

3. Everyone Loves A Good Story:

Man has been telling stories since the dawn of time. Hollywood and the movie industry are built upon the reality that everyone loves a good story. Sylvester Stallone, who as far as I know is not a Rhodes Scholar, has done quite well by telling his stories. Now before you think I am picking on Sly, I have chosen to talk about him because his stories are our favorite kind – the loser becomes a champion. Sound like anyone you know? Loser certainly described my life prior to Christ, and according to His Word “Champion” is an apt description of my new life in Him. So if you have been saved, you have your very own come from behind story to tell. Everyone Loves A Good Story.

So realize that your story is one of the greatest gifts God has given you, so be faithful in using it. Doing so will bring renewed inspiration to you, glory your Father, and the possibility of salvation to those who don't yet know your Father.  Remember . . . It's Your Story, So Tell It!!

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