When God wanted to share one of the most profound things in the world with us - His great love - He didn’t write a lengthy dissertation, He sent His Son so we could know Him. Even when talking about such a huge concept as salvation and the forgiveness of all our sins, Jesus makes it simple to get in an easy to understand sentence; For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son. Simple!
This morning God shared something with me that is very simple, yet I think very profound, and it blessed my soul. Loving you, I want to share it with you hoping it will bless you as much as it did me.
Are you ready? It’s really simple . . .
That’s it! Know Him, Enjoy Him, Share Him. Know Him on a personal level - you and Him connected! Enjoy Him and all that He Is - Everyday! Share Him with your world - If you Know Him and Enjoy Him, it won’t be hard to Share Him! Think how different our life would be if we kept it this simple.
Again, I think that we sometimes make this life - even our life of faith - so complicated that we lose sight of its marvelous simplicity. Today take a moment or two and connect with your Heavenly Father who loves you, enjoy Him and all that He has done for you, and then share Him with those you meet . . . It’s really not that complicated!