In most everything in life - simple is better! So many times we just make things so difficult, when there really not that complicated! I don’t know if it makes us feel better to struggle, like we have finally overcome some great obstacle, (many times the obstacle is something we put there in the first place!) or if it's just part of the curse to work the soil by the sweat of our brow? However, what I do know is that making it complicated, doesn’t make it better!!

When God wanted to share one of the most profound things in the world with us - His great love - He didn’t write a lengthy dissertation, He sent His Son so we could know Him. Even when talking about such a huge concept as salvation and the forgiveness of all our sins, Jesus makes it simple to get in an easy to understand sentence; For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son. Simple!

This morning God shared something with me that is very simple, yet I think very profound, and it blessed my soul. Loving you, I want to share it with you hoping it will bless you as much as it did me.

Are you ready? It’s really simple . . .

Know - Enjoy - Share

That’s it! Know Him, Enjoy Him, Share Him. Know Him on a personal level - you and Him connected! Enjoy Him and all that He Is - Everyday! Share Him with your world - If you Know Him and Enjoy Him, it won’t be hard to Share Him! Think how different our life would be if we kept it this simple.

Again, I think that we sometimes make this life - even our life of faith - so complicated that we lose sight of its marvelous simplicity. Today take a moment or two and connect with your Heavenly Father who loves you, enjoy Him and all that He has done for you, and then share Him with those you meet . . . It’s really not that complicated!

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Thursday - January, 9th 2025

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