So many times we are so busy living life that we forget to share The Life with those in our sphere of influence.  When we do, we miss so many of the Divine Appointments that God has set up for us. So my short instruction here is to Be Focused! Each and every morning connect with your Heavenly Father - not in a religious way - but in a way that has you asking what He has going for you that day, then concluding with prayer asking Him to help you see every opportunity to share His Life with someone - church attender to heathen.

The second thing I would love for you to do is to be true to who God has made you to be! So my short instruction for you is this, Be Flexible! I believe rigidity comes from religion, and since Jesus came to remove religion and re-establish relationships, don’t allow yourself to become rigid in your spiritual life. Try new things! Step outside the box! Walk By FAITH!! Be Who God Has Made You To Be!! I have a saying that I use at my house all the time . . . You Do You!! Don’t try to be something your not!! Be The New You God Has Made You To Be!! Not only does this keep things fresh, it also keeps them interesting and productive!

Below is a note I received from one of our Gatherings in Charlotte NC. I think you will see what I mean about being Focused and Flexible.

“Our niece from Pilot Mountain came to spend the weekend with us and we were telling her all about our first upcoming Gathering, the Get Togethers, Real Church, The Revolution, etc. In conversing with her and conveying the "why's" for the Gatherings and Get Togethers, we decided to "show" our niece by having a "trial run" yesterday morning. It was AWESOME!! We made a YouTube playlist of praise/worship songs with lyrics, linked the laptop to the tv screen with HDMI cable and TOOK OFF!! Opened with prayer, then about 15 minutes of praise/worship, then the Gathering video with question/answer time, and ended with some agreement in prayer. Our niece came seeking direction and answers and the teaching/questions/and answers were definitely right on in ministering to her (and all of us).”

You gotta love it! People who are both Focused and Flexible!! Don’t miss this! The many blessings God has in store for you and those around you come about because you are focused on real life and then flexible enough to live it!!

Keep On Keepin’ On - In Him!


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Wednesday - March, 12th 2025

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